Total Chaos
– it does not leave, please, son, the world this a chaos it are there enters here is safer. Then Bryan answers: – it does not full me mother I go for where I to want I do not need you. While Bryan has left its house, it its house blew up in pieces and its mother died, but Bryan did not die was in as for several messes. Bryan left the hospital in day 19/06/2025.
The death of its mother showed the world to it of another form, not as it thought, it perceived that it had that to make the difference. Then it was in a Saga behind the mind that was for backwards of that it comes occurring in the world. It started to search in books, but he was forbidden, then it was acts of a merchant known for it. Bryan bought some books on the world, tribes, religion it studied maps, relives climates, it searched everything on where it could pass and the main one bought a weapon and discovered what it wise person the photo and the name of who did not order to kill its mother, the name of it was Fster and it decided definitively that it would go to vigar the death of its mother and to change the world. Everything soon Bryan left for its day in search of an objective to change the world, them if it fired to all, and all said that it was wild, therefore Bryan would go to pass for the five cantos of the land divided in nautical continent which had its nautical Lion founder and where Bryan liveed, quagmire the area of the monsters, high tech the area of the robots, infernais knights, therefore killed they you and later you they directly took for the hell next to them and the worse area of all known as ‘ ‘ the gate of hell’ ‘ that it wants to say the door of the hell there where if finds Fster and where hearings happened, tortures and the famous fights of gladiadores where the guest was practically obliged to fight.