Project Trip
As part of the promotion of tourism, and Madagascar, the Mayor of Ambohimanga Rova, Ravoninjatovo Fidimalala, stay your first Vice President Andriananjavelo Rasandy and the cultural attache of the city Zafimahery Andrianahaga have made a trip with much success in Cadillac sur Garonne. Located in the heart of a primary forest of 400 hectares, Ambohimanga Rova is classified UNESCO World Cultural Heritage since 2001. The Palace contains the wealth of history and culture of the big island and became a place of worship for the Malagasy people who remain faithful to their traditions and customs. The purpose of this trip was to prepare a project to create a tourist office in the town of Ambohimanga Rova, with support and funding from the Office of tourism of Cadillacais and Langoirannais (OTCL). This project will have as a goal the valuation in great magnitude of the natural site and also for attracting tourists to discover the region. On the other hand, on this trip, the delegation was able to discover recipes that were the main sources of development of the Office. And you can apply the lessons learned in this Exchange to improve the tourism sector in the region. In addition, the Mayor of Ambohimanga Rova announced the birth of a partnership between the two cities. With this news, the tour operator Madagascarpueden expect tourists from Cadillac. And in this context, the Mayor has already negotiated with the Malagasy air carrier to propose a better rate of interest for visitors. The creation of new infrastructure of tourist accommodation is also on the agenda and the participation of the Madagascarno travel agency is discarded.