Through Supreme Decree N 085-2003-PCM, President Alejandro Toledo issued this normativity that has served as a starting point for the elaboration of municipal ordinances of provinces and districts from different points Peru: Supreme Decree N 085-2003-PCM THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC WHEREAS, Article 2, paragraph 22) of the Constitution of Peru states that it is duty of the State to guarantee the right of everyone to enjoy an environment appropriate and harmonious development of his life constitutes a fundamental human right, enforceable in accordance with international commitments made by the State, that Article 67 of the Constitution of Peru states that the State determines the national environmental policy That , Legislative Decree N 613, Code of Environment and Natural Resources, in Article I of the Preliminary Title provides that everyone is obliged to environmental conservation and safeguards the State’s obligation to prevent and control any damage or predation process natural resources that may interfere with the normal development of all life and society, that Article 105 of the General Health Law, Law N 26842, establishes that the Health Authority to issue appropriate measures to minimize and control risk to the health of individuals derived from elements, factors and environmental agents, in accordance with the provisions in each case, the law of matter, That, the environmental quality standards are an instrument of noise priority environmental management plan to prevent and control noise pollution on the basis of a strategy to protect health, improve the competitiveness of the country and promote sustainable development That, in accordance with the Regulations for the Approval of National Standards of Environmental Quality and maximum allowable limits, Supreme Decree N 044-98-PCM, approved the 1999 Annual Program for environmental quality standards and maximum permissible limits as the group Environmental Technical Study ‘Noise Quality Standards’ – GESTA NOISE , with the participation of 18 public and private institutions that have met the proposed National Environmental Quality Standards for Noise under the coordination of the Directorate General of Environmental Health, Ministry of Health That, dated 31 January 2003 was published in the official gazette El Peruano, containing the proposed draft of the Rules of National Environmental Quality Standards for Noise, accompanied by proof corresponding absence of any comments and suggestions which have been incorporated into the final draft, which has been forwarded to the Presidency Council of Ministers, in accordance with the provisions of section 8) of Article 118 of the Constitution of Peru and paragraph 2) of Article 3 Legislative Decree N 560, Law of the Executive With the approval of the Council of Ministers DECREES: Article 1 .- Apruebese the ‘Rules of National Environmental Quality Standards for Noise’ which consists of 5 titles, 25 articles, 11 Supplementary Provisions, 2 and 1 annex transitional provisions that are part of this Supreme Decree. Article 2 .- To repeal the Supreme Resolution N 325 of October 26, 1957, the Supreme Resolution N 499 of 29 September 1960, and all rules that are opposed to this Supreme Decree. Article 3 .- This Supreme Decree shall be countersigned by the President of the Council of Ministers, the Minister of Health, the Minister of Interior, Minister of Production, Agriculture Minister, the Minister of Transport and Communications, the Minister of Housing , Construction and Sanitation and the Ministry of Energy and Mines Given at Government House in Lima, at twenty days of October, two thousand three. headquartered in Miami, Florida objective is to deliver and design a lower cost alternative which allows individuals and families to have access to high quality healthcare ALEJANDRO TOLEDO Constitutional President of the Republic Beatriz Merino Lucero Ministers Council President Alvaro Vidal Rivadeneyra Health Minister Fernando Rospigliosi C. Interior Minister Javier Re tegui ROSSELLO Minister of Francisco Gonz lez Garc a Production Agriculture Minister Eduardo Iriarte Jimenez Transport and Communications Minister Carlos Bruce Minister of Housing, Construction and Sanitation HANS FLURY Royle Minister of Energy and Mines Download the complete regulatory Instructions for Download from Megaupload 1.