Invention Environment

Environments That Foster Invention


To explain this theory Mezzaroba and Monteiro they affirm that the same one if worries about studies related to the cognitivo aspect and the existing types of knowledge (2008, P. 6-7). Carrying, the theory of the knowledge is directly on to the philosophy, for enclosing related studies the mind, to the knowledge already gotten by the society, moral, aesthetic values linguistic, associate to the epistemologia, that studies the scientific character and analyzes the origin, the structure and the logic of the knowledge. The object of the theory of the knowledge is, therefore, the proper knowledge. The Epistemologia is another area of the Philosophy very next to the first one, but that it occupies of the study of proper Science. The epistemolgicas concerns are the ones that if come back toward the analysis of the estimated ones, of the interests and the underlying ideas to great scientific projects (MEZZAROBA; HUNTER, 2008, P. 7).

The knowledge is the objective of this theory, to approach they are placed it in question to the areas that study the same one, as the philosophy and epistemologia, being possible not only to know, but to reflect as, the way and what it is known. 1.1 WHAT the knowledge IS KNOWLEDGE is something dynamic, it is present since the conception and goes being stoned to elapsing of the life. The people acquire new knowledge and thus they are developed intellectually searching each time knowledge, therefore it evolves constantly. In daily pay-history the men of the caves used its knowledge to produce tools, assisted that them as half of survival, no longer century XXI using to advantage this development had been new servants inventions with objective to facilitate the daily actions. These inventions and discoveries alone could have been produced by the civilization human being because the capacity to produce knowledge is inherent to our nature.

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