Cyrano de Bergerac, a composed heroic comedy for five acts, was ordered by the great atorfrancs Constant Coquelin (1841-1909) dramaturgo Edmond Rostand (1868-1918). Rostand pledged its efforts during nine months, of April of 1896 janeirode 1897, to write the part that revolutionized the French theater, dived emuma tedious and repetitive phase. Until the estria of the spectacle, in 27 of dezembrode 1897, the author was overwhelming, fearful of a failure; descansouao only final of the first act, applauded with vehemence for the public. Oprimeiro act, a beautiful introduction to the plot of history, is transferred in the theater, repleto of anxious people to attend the part of Montfleury. Stop offers on the topic.. EnquantoCristiano waited its loved Roxana to indicate it its friends, muitoscomentavam the dexterities of Cyrano, artist and brave skilled swordsman, but thick efeio. Learn more on the subject from lucas carlson. When the part has to start, Cyrano fights with Montfleury, to who lhehavia tax silence. To the being caoado for Valvert, it considers a duel to it despoils it with singular astuteness, time in that a bold ballad pronounces.
One becomes, then, respected celebrity and. In one it talks with Le Bret, Cyrano trusts seusegredo: madly it is gotten passionate by its Roxana cousin, but it does not have courage to dedeclarar itself, fearing retaliation to its appearance. Defato, was certain in remaining it the shades: in the following act, Roxana Cristiano question-lhepor, the beautiful youngster admired who it and moved with its feelings. Cyranopromete to protect it and to become its friend, and makes thus it: exactly being white depiadas of the young, it admires its courage and it considers to help it to conquer its cousin, writing for it letters of love in admirable verses. Oterceiro act is put into motion, therefore it condenses in catorze scenes since the encantamentoinicial of Roxana with the letters of Cristiano to the marriage of the two. Between essesdois facts, however, it has a surprise: Cristiano declares alone the simple Roxana and, apesarde its feeling to be sincere, words and the short phrases provocamo disinterest of the young woman.