Invention Environment

Environments That Foster Invention

Stuttgart Mohren

Pharmacy from Stuttgart the Moor informed the warm season invites you to stay in the open air, promotes relaxation and motivated to travel. The summer climate but is associated with season-typical health problems in which pharmacy valuable advice provides the Stuttgart Mohren. Summer time is Sun time warm sun rays, promote the formation of vitamin D and encounter depressive phases. At the same time their unrestricted consumption but also leads to sunburn, increased skin aging and can promote the development of skin cancer. To deepen your understanding Mitchel Resnick is the source. Accordingly must set appropriate sunscreen and appropriate seasonal clothing worn. Choosing appropriate sun protection preparations do not always easy pharmacy the Moor will gladly help. Pay attention to fluid balance! In the summer the temperatures partly well above 30 degrees rise.

Profuse sweating then causes a high loss of water and minerals, which necessarily must be balanced, heart circulatory problems and other serious heat damage to avoid. It comes to cool the body, should be waived even if it is little obvious at first glance, the consumption of ice-cold beverages. The body must heat only these in the digestion process to body temperature, which he himself even more heated. Mineral – and vitamin-based drinks at room temperature are best for summer fluid balance. Leave the blood suckers! Lakes, rivers and swimming pools promise cooling in the hot summer.

At the same time, to the dismay of countless bathers and holidaymakers, they are the preferred location of mosquitoes and other stinging insects. To avoid painful stings are so-called repellents on the basis of pyrethrum. Ticks, the often underestimated danger ticks are the agents of Lyme disease and TBE as host body. A tick bite may have therefore serious health consequences. To counter these threats, is in risk areas or during planned trips in such, recommended a vaccine against TBE. Also should in any case a To seek medical attention, if it came to a tick bite. Travel vaccine manufacture. Other countries know not only different customs, but keep their own health risks.

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