Invention Environment

Environments That Foster Invention

Conflicts Need A Pleasant Environment

Therefore we move in June to the Union Gewerbehof in Dortmund to as of mediators (conflict counsel) our personal consultations are often serious themes and emotions. Long, the conflict was ousted there was silence or afraid of the consequences. Whether bullying at the workplace or deeper relationship frustrations: since some clients of the hat goes off and he or she must first blow off steam. Therefore should the consulting rooms in the mediation feel have a particularly positive charisma, because all are (still). Despite an unpleasant topic… usually longer talking armchairs and a small glimpse into the Greens are especially recommended. Many a client wants to be after the first depiction of the conflict itself and then turns a round in the courtyard or is smoking a cigarette. Others need a cup of coffee and a handkerchief. After a long search we are struck it rich: so streitfairzicht-mediation and management consulting draws now in new premises in the Union commercial court in Dortmund and is from June 2008 Huckarder str. 10 to 12 in Dortmund. Angela Kohler

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