Law Deficiency
In synthesis, the research had as goal to analyze as the deficient appearance has access to the so necessary information for its learning, professional work and for its life in society, describing the resource used for the institution to facilitate to the access to the information and its respective problems/barriers found. 3. THEORETICAL REFERENCIAL 3,1 Of the Special Education the current Law of Lines of direction and Bases for the Special Education, law 9394, 20/12/1996 specifically, deals with, in Chapter V, of the Special Education. It defines the Special Education as modality of pertaining to school education, offered preferential in the regular net of education, for pupils with educational necessities special. Thus, it perpassa all the education levels, since the infantile education to superior education, carries through the specialized educational attendance, disponibiliza the services and proper resources of this attendance and guides pupils and professors how much its use in the common groups of regular education. At last, with the prominence that the LDB makes in its Chapter V the special carriers of necessities, it is the desire to assure the social education as right to these citizens, as an acquisition for its social insertion and as form of equalizar differences. 3.2 Appraising Deficiency Being overcome a dictionary, verifies deficiency as being: it lacks, absence, lack, it fails; for deficient as being: defective, incomplete, imperfect, of where if it concludes that it has an imperfection, a defect in the body, the mind or the organism of a person. According to World-wide Organization of Health (OMS, 1980): ' ' The deficiency says respect to an anomaly of the structure or the appearance of the human body and the functioning of an agency or system, whichever its cause; in principle, the deficiency constitutes a disturbance of the type orgnico.' ' In the attempt to better clarify the use of the terms, the World-wide Organization of the Health elaborated the International Classification of Impediments, Deficiencies and Incapacities appraising the terms of the following form: deficiency: loss or abnormality of structure or psychological, physiological or anatomical, temporary or permanent function.