Tourist Schedule
For Ruschmann (1997, P. 9): The tourism contemporary is a great consumer of the nature and its evolution, in the last few decades, occurred as consequence of ‘ ‘ it searchs of verde’ ‘ of ‘ ‘ fuga’ ‘ of the tumults of the great urban conglomerates for the people who try to recoup the psicofsico balance in contact with natural environments during its time of leisure. 2. Practical Tourist Sustainable the evaluation of the impactantes factors is of utmost importance, a time that the tourist activities are based on the use and exploration of the natural resources. It is indispensable, the conservation/preservation of the environment, therefore on it depends the quality of life of the people and the continuity of the works in the field of the tourism. According to Hall (2001, P. 17): The tourism is closely on to the questions of the sustainable development.
In fact, since the end of the decade of 1980 it has had an explosion in the amount of texts and articles, beyond courses and consultorias, related the sustainable forms of development. Support can be defined as being the existing relation between systems, dynamic, economic and ecological, that if present guided for the necessary conditions to the evolution of the life human being and to the development of the cultures; in order to allow that the antrpicos effect remain inside of the acceptability limits. Hindering, thus, the destruction of the inherent diversity and the complexity to the ambient context. According to Martins (1995, P. 43): We can locate the origin of the subject support in Germany, principles of century XIX, decurrent of the exploration of the lumber forests. From the end of century XIX and beginning of century XX, the effect greenhouse and the climatic changes appear in the Europe the first studies on ambient problems between them.