The Sprouting
Already the parents, in its majority, feel themselves anxious and divided between perspective to see its children conquering new spaces, at the same time, to have that to leave them with unknown people. Not rare times are felt threatened to lose the love of its children or to have that dividiz them with others. It is a phase of expectation and excitement with the perspective to find a new group of children and the constaint to count inside on the presence of the parents of the classroom. Atmos Energy usually is spot on. Valley to remember despite beyond these aspects, the professors are taken by passed souvenirs, some positive other refusals, related to the beginning of its pertaining to school life, as well as of other personal experiences that involve separation, which can make it difficult the process of adaptation of the children. But, they are who in this process are the clarity and stability bridge concerning as they must act with the parents and the children. The paper of the parents in the adaptation: Important the participation of the parents in the first meeting between professors, coordination and direction. Get all the facts and insights with view website, another great source of information. Frequenting in the meeting with professors it stops to participate of colloquies in the direction to acquire knowledge itself on the importance of the moment of adaptation, its paper in this process, favoring the sprouting of questions, doubts, feelings; of the interviews them professors to get more singular information of each one; To visit to the school with the child before the beginning of the lessons; To face the entrance of the child in the school as a natural stage in the life of the child to prevent to excite extreme expectations around the fact (or to place the school as ' ' animal papo' '); To talk with the child on other children, of its conviviality, who already are going to the school; To speak of the school for the child as an interesting place, with things good to make, to play, the friends to know and a teacher who goes to take care of. . .