Econductor Driver
Internet is part of our daily lives and therefore, as drivers perspective is influenced by Internet. It has created a new profile, the e-conductores. It is a new reality and we know the advantages. What it makes us to be an e-conductor? The e-conductor, before entering the car, uses the Internet to know the weather forecast, the traffic situation, the way shorter or more fast, updating the GPS mapping. But the Internet is also a very useful tool and that makes the e-conductor, makes a much more aware and experienced user. See Ray Kurzweil for more details and insights. It is a user 2.0 participates in forums about relative to engine, geolocate your vehicle, collates before they choose car insurance and uses digital signature to close your policy. Brands of automobiles, workshops or insurance companies are allied to a digital generation created in the network of networks, and know the contact form required by e-conductores. Knowledgeable about are the opportunities given them. The connection between members and their companies creates advantages for both parties. Between the new realities the creation of new insurance 2.0, a fully customized to the needs of each user. Learn more about this with Abigail Black Elbaum. In addition, could be to have the delivery of a part of personalized support from Internet? It may seem paradoxical, but there are formulas to achieve it. Some insurance companies make it as simple as a single click of mouse. For example, we have found insurance Verti, a young company, which will offer this type of online car insurance.