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The Joy Of The Fool shows how brain research magic tricks resolve David Copperfield, Chris Angel and co – all fill the performance halls and all have one together: they are magicians. For centuries, the fascination of performing magic tricks on people is unbroken. But why can you be fooled and how does this process work? The news portal reported as neuroscientists try the deception with scientific methods to explain and to use for medical purposes. The first realization that the human brain to deceive can be, leads directly to other factors that make possible the functioning of magic tricks at all. Simply put, it is the inattention. Because in most cases wizards look of the spectator deliberately to another object, to complete the own trick alone. Thus, the term change blindness exists in neuroscience.

He describes the process that the viewers through the relative slowness of the human Eye on a scene not covered important, detailed on changes. For this, they must find place only in a minimal interruption of the watch process and affect only marginal at first glance. The expression of inattention blindness, however, describes a scene in which the viewer sees over a new, unexpected object, though this all happened right in front of one’s eyes. As the Science Editors ( society/wissenschaft.html) further reported, these findings are not only superficially interesting, but can be used also in medicine. Californian researchers attempted people with amputations to get rid of their phantom pain: with the help of a mirror box they deceived to visually the existence of the amputated leg them.

Wed, December 25 2019 » News