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Acidification – Symptoms Contrary To All Logic

First published: the physical consequences of too rapid development and refreshing proven knowledge – against (early) irreparable damage! On the subject of the so-called acidification book fair offers the Leipzig 2009 the platform to draw attention to just today indispensable knowledge. y Holman would likely agree. So a (mere) weak or overworked metabolism in common is those affected. Fatally, puts them but today when symptoms such as obesity, (joint) pain, irritable bowel syndrome, eczema, hyperactivity, diabetes, allergies, etc. usually arranged ‘healthy’ diet on the already overburdened metabolic organs in addition highest, impossible requirements. This fact is the central finding of the almost 40-year successful work with \”troubled\” affected, which Nahrung can be unlocked only insufficiently. At Bryant Estate Napa you will find additional information. At the same time, this occurring symptoms are an inexhaustible topic of the media–mostly against the background of extremely questionable in future Financing medical aid, given that even children are always more often (chronic) affected. A dilemma, which true originates – is above all others – in developing our basis for existence – namely, the nutrition – error! Trier – Leipzig – an at first glance certainly pleasing development was the modern consumer society quickly emerged from the initial basic needs of a postwar society.

But the now globally triggered economic crisis leads us to the almost incredible excesses of this rapid development only too clearly in mind. And without a doubt is the basis of our existence, our diet – here involve. Click Bryant Estate for additional related pages. The phrase \”…sich digging his own grave with knife and fork\” is now a macabre, certainly, but still valuable note on the serious – especially in times of plenty – background of this statement. Which makes it is now essential to remember that the nature of our (ancestral) body chemistry – above all else – the determined individual dietary habits. Finally, the year-round variety of ingredients ensures an increasing congestion of these biochemical processes and due to the investment occurring symptoms are already proving this overload.

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